About Cathy Youngling
When it comes to buying or selling your most valuable asset, your home, experience does matter. Since 1996 Cathy has brought a unique blend of skills that have helped propel her into the top tier of all Marin Realtors. Her marketing savvy, creativity and ""all in"" approach have paved the way to success for her clients and her. She believes in using every tool in her extensive arsenal, including her extensive network of other professionals, Internet, social media, print, direct mail and good old fashioned one on one conversation to find or sell her clients homes. She has been sought out by others to help hone their skills and is widely known for her impeccable integrity.
Cathy is a past President of Marin Realtors (2021) and Director of the California Association of Realtors. Using her years of experience to support not just her clients but the profession she has come to love.
Let her help you build your own Real Estate dream team.
•DRE #01219081

I have lived in and loved Marin since 1981. Our family grew in the shadow of the "sleeping maiden," on the trails surrounding her, and on the waters of the bay on our sailboat. Marin is as much a part of us all as the air we breathe. Service to the community has been my honor and is my small way of giving back.
As a Realtor I am so blessed to share my knowledge and love of Marin with buyers and sellers.
We've got you covered

Kathleen Smelt is my virtual assistant (and daughter!) She helps with implementing marketing and tracks transactional documents to keep us all on track.